
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Time to Kiss Our A**** Goodbye? Sending Love to You


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Is it time to kiss our a**** goodbye?

Hey, if it is, it was nice living here on planet earth. It is too bad we never realized how related and closely linked we all were in the ethereal plane, but it was by design that there was so much interference.

So, dear lads and lasses and precious beasts and flora. Thank you for hanging with me!

We will meet up again perhaps as we keep being recycled into different forms. We don't recognize each other now, but perhaps when the fog lifts we will once again.

I wish you much Love, people... Much, much Love and Peace at last.

I love all of you. I love you no matter what you have ever done whenever and ever after. You can count on my love even if you think you are not loved... Do know, that I... here and now, a human you don't know or perhaps do know... really loves you deeply.

Please, take my Love with you, especially if you cannot seem to reach God as you define him or her, take my Love with you and hold it to your breast in these times. May this Love I share with you help carry you through to your next step... Nothing will remain the same from here, dear one, nothing.

Many blessings my Love, many, many blessings dear one... Until we meet again and even if we never meet again, I remain Yours in Love. Amen.


  1. hey tess! hey what was that you mentioned ,you said something to greg about '15 minutes to board' -?

    1. You'll never believe this... Just went to Greg's blog and it is back!! Love!! Tess

  2. I was referring to the times when the space beings contacting Greg were supposedly (?) preparing us and instructing us for the possibility of coastal flood disasters that could come about due to changes undergone by Gaia. These were accompanied by conversations that involved humans and the space people cooperating to build sea walls along the ocean fronts in an effort to preserve life in the event of a tsunami. It was exciting stuff!

    Those wanting to be rescued, basically from any threat that they could save us from, were to relax, stand still, keep calm and positive (highest vibes under the circumstances) so they could play "Scottie" and beam us up!

    As a side note... as I recall... There was a need to try and be wary of your weight as if you were too low vibration due to weight, you may not be able to be beamed up (but maybe I'm remembering that wrong).

    In any event, I think you'd agree... The whole Fukushima (sp?) thing and who know what else starts me to thinking in terms of a rescue mission again.

    Man, arc, he had some cool posts. I can understand his getting frustrated as some posts were starting to get a little narly, but basically it was a very cool time... I thought you mentioned his channeling days the other day...? hmm....

  3. Hey Arctourist. Hope all is well. What happened to Greg Giles' blog? It was so good and now it's gone!


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