
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Think Positive Obstacles Always Come

Hello Beloved,

Hope you like my lovely ground hog with the leaf hanging out of his mouth. (I took this picture.)

Regardless of what you face in this life or any incarnation you are to experience, be positive.

Scenarios that are likely to surface are those that present to you your fears and challenges you've not yet conquered through your failure to conquer them the first time (or numerous times) or because you've not yet encountered them at all. I know this doesn't seem fair, to place you where you will be challenged, as sometimes it isn't pleasant, but this is in the plan for your growth throughout eternity, so you best get used to it. Good news is, when you depart 3D, the challenges won't be painful: there are ways to gain experience and wisdom while enjoying your efforts! Hurray...!

Interestingly, you may find yourself opting to assist lower dimensional beings by actually "being" there. This being the case, you may again be subjecting yourself to the assaults of lower dimensional living (I don't think I'll miss mosquitoes much upon ascension).

So, it is a word to the wise: Be positive and you will be better able to handle the situation. Stand in your truth. Be sure, inside yourself, best gotten through the "still small voice", and then run with the ball. Call on your Angels for help. It is useful to know which Angels are specific to your issue, but not e